Sunday, June 23, 2013

vegetable cutlets

Vegetable cutlet is found in every street corner in Fiji with different combination  of vegetables used  to cook it.People love this food because it is affordable and is very tasty.I decided to use vegetables that I had on hand which other wise would have gone bad.I came up with this recipe for my daughter because finds it very difficult to eat after she got her tongue crip. I remember eating this when I used to go grocery shopping with my mom on Saturdays.She used to bribe us ( my sister and myself) to go with her,because both of us hated doing shopping back home.

1  potatoes
1 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
1/4 of an finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon oil
salt to taste
1 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro
                                         1 teaspoon black pepper

Boil and mash the potatoes
Heat butter in a skillet ,add in panko bread crumbs and black pepper and cook it couple of seconds

Method a bowl add in all the ingredients ,mix it together and take a tablespoon of the mixture and make it into a cutlet.
2.Heat oil in a skillet and shallow fry it on all the sides until lightly brown.
3.Drain it on a paper towel.
4.Serve it with any dip of your choice.

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