Tuesday, August 7, 2012

spinach with garlic and cumin

 Growing up  my mom used to cook spinach which I used to eat with rice and dhal.Spinach is grown  with the sugar cane on the farm .Farmers would hand pick spinach and put it together in a bundle and then bring to the market to sell. The price was at that time only 50 cents. My mom on her trip to the market would buy spinach and cooks it  on Mondays because this was the vegetarian day for  our family.Since Hindus are celebrating Krishna Janmashtmi this week they eat vegetarian the whole week and I am sure spinach will be one of the dish that would be on the table.
Spinach is very rich in fiber which prevents constipation and  helps to maintain low blood sugar. Spinach is also rich in vitamins and is good for our skin Spinach is loaded with vitamins and nutrients,some of which is very hard to find in other vegetables.In other words spinach is a super nutrient vegetable because of it dark color.People cook spinach  many different ways but today I will just cook it  with cumin and garlic.

1 packet defrosted spinach(10 ounce)
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 Serrano peppers finely chopped
1 teaspoon  chilli flakes
3 garlic cloves finely minced
nutmeg to taste
salt to taste
 1 tablespoon oil

1. Heat oil in a skillet.Add in cumin let it pop,then add in onion,cook it until transulance.
2. Add in chilli flakes garlic and peppers.cook for 1 minute.
3.Place in the defrosted spinach,salt and mix it together. Add in about 2 tablespoon of water.
4. Cook for about 10 minutes or until it is cooked.
5.Grate nutmeg and stir it together.
6. Serve spinach with rice and cucumber salad.

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