Sunday, May 19, 2013

Okra with Potatoes

Okra is a vegetable that is very slimy so many people does not like to cook.Okra is low in calories and is good for people who prefer to watch their waist line. In Fiji it is available year round and people grow okra in their home garden or on their farms.Okra is rich in vitamin c and very good for pregnant women because it is also rich in folic acid .Okra and potatoes when saute together makes a very tasty dish which can be served with roti, naan,  rice and tortilla. Today I have used frozen okra.

1 cup defrosted okra
1 small potatoes cut in small pieces
3 green chillies finely chopped
1/2 of an onion finely chopped
1 teaspoon minced garlic
salt to taste
2 tablespoon oil

1.Heat oil in a pan,add in onion and chillies ,cook it for a minute.Add in garlic and let it saute for a couple of minutes.
2. Add in okra, let it cook for 2 minutes on medium-high heat. Add in potatoes and salt. Stir well, then lower the heat. Let it cook for roughly 10 minutes or until tender.
3Serve and enjoy.

Note Add in more oil if it looks too dry to give it some color and it will not be slimy.

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