Sunday, October 30, 2016


Barfi is  sweet and yummy and is made in every household for Diwali.It is made with powdered milk and then let it rest for 4 hours before cutting into squares.

1 packet of powdered milk
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 cup sugar
1 cup water
yellow food color
 1 cup ghee
Decorating sprinkles


1. In a pan add ghee milk and cook for 3 minutes.take it off the stove.
2.In a pot make sugar syrup with  with cardamom, and add in food color, and boil it is little bit sticky.Then add in milk mix and keep stirring until the mixture thickens and it atarts to leave the siade of the pot.
3.Pour this on a greased tray ,spread it out evenly and sprinkle with decorations.Let it cool and then cut it into squares.

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