Sunday, November 4, 2012

Regular Puri

Puri is a dish that is cooked in all Indian house. This is favorite among the kids because it is easy it hold with their hands to eat .Puri is small and round  deep fried and is easy to eat with our hands. This is also used in ceremonies and if there is any other special occasion in a family.

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cup hot water
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon oil
oil for deep frying

1.Mix flour,salt and oil in a bowl.Add in water and knead it into a soft dough.
2.On a board ,roll out a dough  and cut it out in 1 inch pieces.Then roll out the cut piece in to small,round puris by using a rolling pin.
3.Heat oil in a pot , deep fry the puris until it turns light brown.
4. Drain it on a kitchen paper and serve.

I serve this with halwa or with potato curry or it can be eaten with any other vegetables of your choice.

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