Sunday, January 13, 2013


Falafel  is a very healthy vegetarian dish which is very common in middle eastern families.This can be eaten as a wrap with cucumbers,carrots  in a tortilla or placed inside a pita bread with any veggies of your choice. Falafel  can also be served as an appetizer.I like this because it is like a go to healthy meal which is very easy to prepare. 


1 cup drained and rinsed chick peas
1/4 of an onion roughly chopped
1 Serrano pepper chopped
                                          2 garlic cloves roughly chopped
                                          1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
                                          1/4 teaspoon tumeric
                                          2 tablespoon flour
                                         2 tablespoon finely chopped cilantro
                                         Black pepper and salt to taste
                                         oil for frying

1. In a food processor place in chick peas,Serrano pepper ,onions ,garlic and blend it .
Place it the roughly blended mixture into a bowl and add in tumeric,cumin,flour,cilantro ,and salt and pepper to taste.
2.Mix everything together and form into balls.Heat oil into a saucepan and fry the balls on low heat until golden brown or until cooked.
3.Serve and enjoy.

Note Don't cooked on a very high heat otherwise the inside of the falafel will not be cooked.

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