Sunday, January 6, 2013

Onion Rings

There are so many different varieties of onions such as red,yellow,and white.Onions is being used in all households for cooking  or for salads.Onions can also be eaten raw with just lemon juice and salt and pepper.  There is many different ways of cooking onion rings and this is my method.


1 onions peeled and sliced in rings
1/2 cup besan (chick pea flour)
1/2 cup brown rice flour
                                         1/4 teaspoon baking powder
                                         1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
                                         salt to taste
                                         black pepper to taste
                                        1 cup water
                                        oil for frying


1Mix chick pea flour and rice flour in a bowl.Add in baking powder,cayenne,salt and pepper and Mix it together.Then slowly add in water to form a batter.
2.Add in the onion rings in to the batter and gently stir in .
3.Heat oil in a saucepan.Slowly drop in the battered rings into the oil.Let it cook for couple of minutes or until lightly brown.
4.Drain it on a paper towel and serve.
Onions rings can also used on sandwiches and in salad.

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