Sunday, September 2, 2012

Watermelon Gazpacho

 Gazpacho is a cold soup which can be made by blending any fruits or vegetables. During this hot summer months  I normally make this cold soup because it is very fast and is ready in  minutes.  Gazpacho is good for the people who like to lose weight because it is  very low calorie and high in fiber.This soup can be serve either for lunch or dinner or it can be eaten as a healthy snack.

1 cup chopped watermelon
1/2 cup seeded and diced tomatoes
1 inch ginger
1 garlic clove
1/4 cup red or green bell peppers
1/4 cup diced cucumber
1 Serrano pepper
salt to taste

1.Place everything in a blender to make it smooth.
2. Chill it for 30 minutes and then serve.

I have used one Serrano pepper because I like spicy food but you can always adjust it to your taste.

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